Terms & Conditions


We have a zero tolerance for spam sent out by any of the sites we host. spam includes, but is not limitted to, sending emails to people who have not opted in to your list, adding people to your list without their approval, or adding people back into your list who have chosen to opt out. Violation of this can result in suspension or cancellation of your account without a refund.



You are prohibited from using viruses (trojans, adware, etc) to market your site or capture page. Violation of this can result in suspension or cancellation of your account without a refund.


Capture Page Designs

You may use the capture page designs we provide you but you are not allowed to copy them to another site or use them outside of the software that we provided you with. You are not allowed to take any elements of the design or script and re-use them in any manner.


Distribution and Sale of Email Lists

You are not allowed to sell or distribute the emails that you acquire using our software.  Violation of this can result in immediate termination of your account.